Time for Christmas Cheer!LIVE TONIGHT


There is a great channel on Youtube called “Shoot The Shit” they are a brother and sister act who is funny and a great pleasure to watch every night on their live stream at 9pm EST. Well, since November 16th they have been spreading much needed Christmas cheer this year. By gathering donations from viewers for people in need during this holiday season. They have a list of families they are working on helping, so far they have helped 19 families. All this a total of $300 each. You donate the money from your Paypal directly to the families Paypal that is being helped that night. 


Well, tonight they have a SECRET SANTA coming who is matching all donations up to $1500 tonight. Also, there is a signed autographed photo of Johnny Cash a youtube subscriber will be donating to the highest donor. This is a very special night and I really want to spread the word to everyone who is able to help these families. Even if you can only spare $1. It all adds up very quickly. Once the total of $300 is raised, they are able to move on to the next family on the list. 

Here is the link to their live feed which starts at 9PM EST. Lets spread some cheer in the spirit of giving. If you cant donate even just being there watching is giving. 


Get your fire burning and your Paypal working its time to help some families in need!!

None of the money you donate goes into anyone’s hands except for the people you are giving it to. Direct Paypal to Paypal donations. This is the best part of the holiday season is helping others and watching childrens faces light up on Christmas morning. And I’m telling you people SANTA is REAL!! He lives in a secret place in all our hearts. See you on the live stream and let’s have some fun!!


Happy Holidays Everyone !!



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